This project started as Framtidsscanner [Future Scanner] and was carried out in Varberg, Sweden, in May 2016, where it was part of Art Inside Out’s pilot residency program. A second version of this project is currently being developed in Hopetoun, a small town on the southern coast of West Australia.
The core of this project is to tap into people’s dreams about their future and the future of the society they are living in.
Particpating people where encouraged to try to explain any vision or dream, with no regards to its realisation potential. The presented material consist of documentary material and demographical statistical facts about the neighbourhood.
This constellation of different types of information and knowledge is intended to show the complexity in trying to describe a society as well as one’s ideas or dreams there of.
In March 2017 thirty people from the neighbourhood surrounding the Shinheung Market where invited to tell their dreams in front of a video camera.
Now the result will be displayed in shops and shop windows in the HBC neighbourhood.